“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us”. 2 Corinthians 4:7

We live in a world filled with men and women of different stories and background. More than ever before in the history of man and even in the Church of God, we have seen people rise from negativity to positivity, personalities that we could assume that had been written off suddenly came back with a strength no mortal can explain and then, becoming divine spectacles through which the Lord would wrought great and wonderful happenings in our days and times. Since the days of the Bible up till date, we have seen countless stories that we can group into stories of broken vessels that God strengthened and empowered to become choicest instruments through which God’s glory would be seen and known at different times on earth.

This series is all about awakening and re-assuring God’s children that it is possible to be broken and practically declared “written-off” by the world  and yet still be used powerfully by God without limits in our days and times! Your story can be the next story of a broken vessel that God is mending and preparing to storm this world like He has done in previous times. Get ready to explore all you need to know for this miraculous mental shift that will see your mess turned into divine messages that will be heralded all over the world by the wings of Grace. It is time to feast from the Master’s feet again! Get ready for the fire experience!

Every man is a potential container having the necessary ability to carry a dimension of God and reveal it to the world of men.

What are Vessels? A dictionary defined vessel as a hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid, such as a bowl or cask. The biblical use of the word refers to a person being used by God. It is important to find out what the dictionary says about vessels. A keyword to check out here is the word “container”. In relation to our study, every man is a potential container having the necessary ability to carry a dimension of God and reveal it to the world of men. However, it is not enough for any man to have the ability and natural qualities required to carry dimensions of God; it matters that a man is ready and prepared to bear this task

How we know a man is willing to embark on this selfless journey on earth is that the man makes a decision to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and choose Him over the world and its lifestyle. This is the entry requirement that qualifies a man to be a “container or vessel” through which a dimension of God can be modelled to this world. Also, what makes a vessel earthen? A container is said to be earthen when it is made of clay that is baked so that it becomes hard. Man was referred to as earthen vessel in the Bible. Another right question to ask at this point is: “Can an earthen vessel be used for any known good?” Oh Yes! Despite the fact that an earthen vessel looks fragile and can be broken when smashed on the ground, yet, it is a great vessel in the home as it can be used to hold liquids of different sizes. In the same way, the frailty of a man is never a disadvantage to being used by God!

To the natural man, a broken earthen vessel is useless for good works at home, but to God, a broken vessel can still be re-shaped and repackaged for a better use!

Can an earthen vessel be broken? When a vessel breaks, what becomes the known end of that vessel? What does God have to do with broken vessels? At this point, we shall be giving perspective to the questions above as it pertains to being used by God in our days. Since an earthen vessel is made from clay, it can definitely be broken, but the Bible gives good news as to what happens to an earthen vessel even when it is broken! To the natural man, a broken earthen vessel is useless for good works at home, but to God, a broken vessel can still be re-shaped and repackaged for a better use!

Scattered all around the Bible are stories of men and women that we can call broken vessels due to the negative trends their lives followed at different points in their lives but became mighty instruments in the hand of God before they left this earth. Despite their inadequacies and scars written all over them, the glory of God covered them and energized them to do the impossible in their days. They became the saviors that their generation knew, messengers that carried God’s urgent words to the Nations, instruments of encouragement and hope to God’s people. God is passing a powerful message to you in this season that your life cannot be too messed up for Him to use. Our God is an expert in capitalizing on the foolish things of this world and turning them to choicest vessels for His Glory. Will you be the next Moses and Rehab that our world is waiting for?

It is possible for a man to have once lived foolishly through his actions, but God is saying even with that name tag of foolishness, He is still ready to use the man to shame the wisdom of the wise.

In the first letter of Apostle Paul to the believers in Corinthians, the opening part of the letter was focused on revealing God’s heart concerning the frailty of man. Here are the exact words of Paul: “Just look at your own calling, believers; not many [of you were considered] wise according to human standards, not many powerful or influential, not many of high and noble birth. But God has selected [for His purpose] the foolish things of the world to shame the wise [revealing their ignorance], and God has selected [for His purpose] the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong [revealing their frailty]. God has selected [for His purpose] the insignificant (base) things of the world, and the things that are despised and treated with contempt, [even] the things that are nothing, so that He might reduce to nothing the things are, so then, as it is written [in scripture], “He who boasts and glories, let him boast and glory in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, 31 AMP. There are three important words used in the passage above that we must consider to understand the state of mind of God concerning broken vessels. “…the foolish things of this world”. This refers to men that would have been called nonentities by the so-called wise men of this world. God intentionally goes for the foolish things of this world so that He might reveal the ignorance of the wise. It is possible for a man to have once lived foolishly through his actions, but God is saying even with that name tag of foolishness, He is still ready to use the man to shame the wisdom of the wise. That was the case of Jonah. If He used Jonah, He can use you!

If you can surrender your life to God, no matter how insignificant it may look now, God can turn it all around for your good.

The second statement from the passage that we must consider is: “…the weak things of the world”. To be weak here means to be powerless and to be without strength. Apostle Paul was stressing here that it pleased God to rather go after those without strength so as to show the strong how frail they are. 1 Samuel 2:9b says: “for by strength shall no man prevail”. Do you think you are weak? Do you feel you are powerless compared to those around you? Then you might be the next David our world is waiting to see. Run to God and surrender to Him. He still makes men and yours cannot be an exception!

The third statement talks about “…the insignificant (base) things of the world, despised and treated with contempt, even the things that are nothing”. God is interested in being the One to take all the Glory as far as your life is concerned. So, if you can surrender your life to God, no matter how insignificant it may look now, God can turn it all around for your good.

The frailty of a man is never a disadvantage to being used by God!

Rahab was a harlot known all through Jericho for her wayward merchandise, yet, since she wasn’t ashamed to associate with the God of Israel by hiding the spies, then God also did not mind her nothingness of life when He saved her from perishing with the people of Jericho. That was not all, she was accepted into the family of God on earth, the Nation of Israel and she became an instrument of great use by being the great grandmother of David, the son of Jesse and Jesus our savior. Our God is truly a God of second chances! Your beginning might have been painted as failure but allow God to write the story of your remaining days on earth. In the next episode, we shall take a deeper look at the dealings of God in the Bible concerning how He demonstrated His love towards the lowly men and women of this world and turned them into useful instruments. Thanks for visiting the fire place blog. Remain blessed!

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