Welcome back to the Fire Place. It’s been a while since we released a new series after rounding off our special series on the mystery of Growth last month. The results and testimonies recorded during that series were outstanding, our blog also hit the landmark of 3000 all-time views. In the same similitude, God has placed another series in our hands to bless our readers. The Five Love Languages Simplified is a timely discussion that every young person must understand as it directly affects all our human relationships. The younger generation of this age is known to be a technologically relevant age. We keep spending time and money to acquire knowledge and expertise in the aspect of technology, but amidst this we left out the place of learning to love. The subject of love is assumed not to require any serious learning before going ahead with it. This can be said to be the reason for our massive failure in this aspect of love. We keep building wealth and brewing influence yet we go around with bitterness hitting hard on us due to the feeling of inadequate love and affection from those around us. What could be wrong?
Our world is made up of many factors that controls how we live our lives either directly or indirectly. One of such factors is relationships. Man is a social being thereby making us to be essentially relational beings. We live to relate with others. No man can exist and be sufficient alone without the help of others, so the reality of this makes it necessary for every one living on earth to form relationship of all kinds with others such as marriage, friendship, acquaintance, co-workers, neighbors, etc. at the center of every relationship we form on earth, the subject of love seems to be the foundation of it all!
No man can exist and be sufficient alone without the help of others
Love is the determining factor and the weighing balance that determines our deepest satisfaction in that relationship. Over time, we have realized that money will never be able to substitute for love as we heard of many cases of divorces and breakups even among the rich class of this world. The rate of suicide keeps increasing by the day which directly communicate rejection, lack of love and attention amongst many other things. So, if love is the foundation of all human relationships, why have we resolved to handling love without any formal knowledge about how it works? It is time we changed that attitude! It is time we started to give attention to this area that determines how happy we live and our peace of mind as we go about living our lives. Let’s journey together!
The impact of love in all that we do cannot be over emphasized. In a way we cannot explain, our level of enjoyment of a dimension of love creeps into our daily affairs and determines how we react to others. We all have met people that are bitter and unusually mean in their response to us at one point or the other. Also, transfer of aggression is a very common phenomenon in our today’s world, why? Someone somewhere failed to communicate love to the person we met and as a result of that vacuum, the person starts to dispense hatred and bitterness to everyone else. At this stage, you will have realized that this piece is not centered around marital love or love in the terms of a guy and a lady coming together to profess love to one another. At this level, we are addressing the general concept of love that directly affects how we handle other dimensions of love. This is the reason in this special series, we will be learning practical ways to intentionally give and receive love in our affairs with others. Learning about this will positively impact our relationship with our parents, friends, colleagues at work, and everyone we come across in life.
Our level of enjoyment of a dimension of love creeps into our daily affairs and determines how we react to others.
Every young person wants to feel loved by the significant people in their lives. We want to believe that we are wanted and needed by others. This is why, deep down in our hearts we keep searching for people that will appreciate us for who we are without condemning us and just love our personality. When our parents fails to connect to us and relate with us through our own definition of love, we feel unloved and as a result seek love elsewhere. The bitter truth is, most times it is not that our parents don’t love us, they actually do love us but they have only learnt to communicate love to us in their own love language without really paying attention if it satisfies our own definition of love. Until we settle scores about the differences in our love languages, the pain in our hearts might not be dealt with anytime soon. All of these training is needed to be experienced as early as possible so as not to keep dispensing hurts and bitterness to innocent people that we keep meeting in our daily affairs.
When our parents fails to connect to us and relate with us through our own definition of love, we feel unloved and as a result seek love elsewhere.
Until we start to practice and demonstrate love to everyone around us starting from our parents and siblings, there is higher tendency that we won’t do well when it is time to direct the love to a particular person for the purpose of marriage. This is why we must learn to love others with no strings attached and be successful at it, by so doing we will end up spreading love to everyone around us and definitely do well in our marital relationship when it is time to move into it. So, don’t jump the process, finish one well before moving on to the other level. This is the time to grow in the love of God and also share love to everyone around you. failure in these earlier dimensions of love will definitely affect your definition about love and thereby determining how you show love in marital relationship.
This is the time to grow in the love of God and also share love to everyone around you.
Research have shown that lack of love from parents often motivates children to go searching for love in other relationships. Especially for the female child, when there is no responsible father figure at home, it becomes easier to lure such young girl into illicit relationship from a “big boy” outside the home that promises to give her love, care and attention; the exact thing she keeps missing from her father! Although this is not an excuse for any young girl to enter into ungodly relationship as doing such will lead to further sorrow and consequence now and in the future, yet it is worthy to be noted that, our foundation of love originates from the kind of relationship we have with our parents! Adequate love bond between the parents and their children will lead to the children living happily and model that kind of love to others around them.
Our foundation of love originates from the kind of relationship we have with our parents!
Conclusively, in this first episode we have been able to establish the need for adequate knowledge about the concept of love and how to give and receive it in our relationship with others. This is what this series is set to establish to us. We have also established here that learning to give and receive love is far beyond getting ready for marriage alone. It is the foundation for all our human relationships. If we fail to understand how it works and start to express it unto others before we get ready for the covenant journey of marriage, it will adversely affect the relationship. Love is the right foundation to build our entire life upon. When we learn to love others, we are paying the sacrifice to live a happy and fulfilled life. In our next episode, we will start to address the love languages and how to live with them. Thanks for choosing The Fire Place!
This is simplified indeed
More Grace sir
Thanks Ogami