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“… Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God], blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked(lived) [in habitual fellowship] with God”. Genesis 6:9AMP

God, the creator of man made him in His own image. This was followed by a special commissioning that God declared after creating man; man was made to have dominion and to legislate the interests of God here on earth; from that moment of man’s creation, man became God’s biggest and most reliable representative here on earth. Since man fell through the sin of Adam and Eve, the decision whether to live for God or not became dependent on man’s choice to either accept or reject God’s offer. Due to this, in every generation, God is always looking out for a man that will not only live with the consciousness of this primary purpose of God for man but that will also be yielded and be ready for the usage of God for His divine purposes as He pleases. The dimensions and details of God’s assignment for each man that desire to walk with Him and work for Him in every generation always differ and highly relevant to the challenge of that hour. In the times of Noah, God needed a righteous man with a pure lineage, whose entire family can be used to form the new world that God desire to build due to the atrocities and wickedness of the then world. Noah’s family met God’s condition and he became God’s answer in his generation! In this episode, we shall be gleaning from the life of Noah and the ingredients that made him succeed in his God-given assignment as it relates to his lifestyle of sacrifice. Get ready for the fire experience!

The sixth chapter of Genesis which was the beginning of the details of the life of Noah opened with a lamentation by God about the things happening in the world of men. One of the saddest words ever recorded to be uttered by God all through the scripture came up in the first few verses of this chapter. Verse 5-6 says: “then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart”. It was a season full of wickedness and evil acts of men. Men were not following the ways and patterns of God; instead, sin was the order of the day. The earlier verses of that chapter revealed how the sons of God [fallen angels] were meeting with the daughters of men and birthing children for them. This in itself is already a great abomination before God, this formation was totally against the plans and purposes of God for the human race, the results of such unimaginable cross breeding was that giants were born on earth and other impure breed which mixed with the true children of men and this leading to the perpetuation of evil and wickedness in reckless magnitude.

Whenever darkness blooms upon the earth, it is always a time for the true sons of God to rise and manifest the glory of God and restore things to order.

God resolved to clear out the whole earth and every living creature in it. It was this quest that led to God searching for a family that is pure which will be the root of the new family after the flooding. Noah’s righteous living attracted God and made him God’s answer for his generation. Whenever darkness blooms upon the earth, it is always a time for the true sons of God to rise and manifest the glory of God and restore things to order. Even in this generation, God is looking for saviours that will preserve His interest, will you bear the burden of God?  

All that God desires to do on earth will happen only through men!

God is always in search of men that will become the preservers of His ordinances here on earth. These men are the ones God wants to train in the secret place and equip them not just to fulfill God’s mandate on earth but to also successfully hand over the baton of living sacrificially to the next generation. All that God desires to do on earth will happen only through men; the reality of this should bring us to a point where we can decide to fully seek God and as a result live for Him on earth. Our anchor verse for this episode explained the details of what attracted God to the life of Noah. Noah was a devoted lover of God who had the testimony of having stayed habitually with God consistently over a long time.

God is always in search of men that will become the preservers of His ordinances here on earth.

So, for God to successfully deliver the instructions about the details of how Noah was to go about building the Ark, imagine the quality of time Noah would have had to spend in the presence of God waiting on Him and carefully noting down all the instructions as it concerns the building of the Ark. Noah’s lifestyle of sacrifice and intimacy with God singled him out for the use of God in his generation! It pays to be used by God. Noah found grace in the sight of God and because of him, his entire household were privileged to be the starters of the new world of men! This is the kind of life God has called us to live as believers, a life that lights the darkness of this world. Believers of this generation must learn to follow the example of Noah.

Noah’s lifestyle of sacrifice and intimacy with God singled him out for the use of God in his generation!

Further study about the life of Noah revealed that he built the ark for over 100 years! One of the most difficult thing for man to do is “waiting on God”. most times, God do promise to do great and mighty things through our lives and all of those promises always hang on waiting for God’s time of fulfillment. All through scriptures, stories of men that had to wait for God’s promises to be fulfilled in their lives lingers around. Abraham had to wait for 25 years before Isaac, the promised child came forth; Joseph waited for 14 years in prison for a crime he did not commit; Job waited for 60-70 years for God’s justice and finally Noah, our example in this episode had to wait for the rain God spoke about to fall on earth for about 120 years! You can imagine what it will feel like to be obeying an instruction that will lead to a promise that did not come to pass until after over a century! The mysterious truth about waiting on God is that most times, God will never tell you for how long you must wait for His promise to be fulfilled in your life! all He will tell you is to wait on Him.

Most times, God will never tell you for how long you must wait for His promise to be fulfilled in your life! all He will tell you is to wait on Him.

It takes a life that is fully soaked into communion with God and completely sold out to God to see the fulfillment of God’s promise here on earth. The great chapter of faith explained it this way: “But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him” Hebrews 11:6AMP. This verse reveals depth about the connection of an active relationship with God and faith – believing God about what He promised to do in our lives. The driving force that backs our willingness to obey God and follow Him blindly must be the lifestyle trust and total dependency on God! we must always remember that God is faithful; He never fails! Even though His promise is taking longer than we expect just like the case of Noah, we must ever remain rooted in Him and keep believing that He will surely bring forth that which He promised. This can be said to be the picture of the life Noah lived during his years of waiting for God’s fulfillment.

It takes a life that is fully soaked into communion with God and completely sold out to God to see the fulfillment of God’s promise here on earth.

Finally, the example of Noah is the kind that is needed essentially in our own generation if we will truly ARISE and SHINE the Light of Christ in our time. The lifestyle of sacrifice and selflessness of Noah for the 120 years of patiently obeying God’s instruction to build the first-of-its-kind ark and also believing that all his efforts would not be in vain is what God is expecting from His children today. After the flooding happened and God’s promised got fulfilled through the life of Noah, the first assignment Noah did after coming out of the ark was that he built an altar for God! Another foremost accomplishment of Noah. The world of men never practiced the mystery of raising altars until Noah instituted it by sacrificing a portion of all the clean animals that were preserved from the flood unto the Lord. As a result, God smelled a soothing aroma and made a fresh covenant with man never to destroy every living thing through water again! The blessing of seedtime and harvest was also part of the package that God released on earth as a result of the altar Noah built for the Lord. What an example! What a life lived for God! God is expecting nothing less from us! His eyes is still searching through the earth today for those that will become His answer in this generation, will you be part of them? Thanks for choosing The Fire Place! God bless you!

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