I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1
Welcome to the second episode of our special series on the making of God’s Battle Axe. In this episode, we shall be diving deeper into what it takes to become God’s choicest vessel. There is a level of intentionality and personal decision to follow God that is required in becoming part of the army God is training for His usage. God does not go about picking anybody around for the purpose of building them for His special task, rather He looks out for yielded and broken vessels that are ready to surrender all just to follow His leading for the rest of their lives. This is the first requirement that must be settled before the training process begins! Showing interest and being ready to meet this basic requirement is paramount to anything else that will take place in the life of such person in the school of training for Kingdom assignment. Are you willing to surrender all and be yielded unto God so He can freely do what He wills with your life?
God does not go about picking anybody around for the purpose of building them for His special task, rather He looks out for yielded and broken vessels that are ready to surrender all just to follow His leading for the rest of their lives.
God is intentional about every stage of life of His Children. The interest of God in every stage of life of man is totally different and cannot be packed together. In many places in the Bible, God made it clear that what He plans to do with the different stages of life of man is not the same. Joel 2:28 is one of such places where God clearly laid this out. It says: “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions”. Why will the sons and daughters prophesy while the old men will dream dreams? Why can’t the young men dream dreams while the old men see visions? We can see here clearly that God’s hand upon men is patterned in such a way that your stage of life determines the kind of concentration of God that comes upon your life.
Your agility and strength as a youth is a weapon either to God or the devil!
Out of all the stages of life of man, it seems God is specially interested in one particular stage; the youthful stage of life! The special attention of God on youths is very clear in the speaking of God all through the Bible. Why? The youthful stage is the season of life of man when he is at the best of His strength. You must understand that your agility and strength as a youth is a weapon either to God or the devil! This is why there seems to be an invisible battle over who controls the heart of every young person out there! The battle is real! Who gets to control your life primarily depends on who you resolve to direct your life. Man must acknowledge God consciously and choose God over the devil if God will take over such heart. All that you can achieve in this world for God and man solely hangs on your decision to follow God for the rest of your life. In becoming God’s Battle Axe, every man must take a walk to the altar of sacrifice where men are slain and turned into living sacrifices unto God for the rest of their lives. Have you been to the altar of sacrifice?
All that you can achieve in this world for God and man solely hangs on your decision to follow God for the rest of your life.
In Malachi 3:3, the Bible says, “He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness”. Every man that became a mighty instrument in the hand of God was first a recipient of God’s divine concentration! In identifying men that God desires to use for His special works on earth, one important sign to look out for is that it must please God to sit on such life for the purpose of refining and purging so that the life can become exactly God’s standard vessel made ready for Kingdom business. When God handpicks yielded vessels that are ready to go on the journey of becoming His Battle axe, the first thing God does to the vessels is to take them out from the reach of the crowd and the multitude for the purpose of brooding over them and specially have time to train them for destiny fulfillment!
Every man that became a mighty instrument in the hand of God was first a recipient of God’s divine concentration!
The example of this is found in the relationship between Jesus and His twelve apostles while on earth. Jesus would take them up to the mountain where He was sure the crowd would not be interested in climbing, and then begin to teach them deep things about God’s Kingdom and as a result prepare them to take the message of the Gospel to the entire world. The sermon on the Mount which was the longest recorded uninterrupted teaching of Jesus all through His earthly ministry. The sermon covered three long chapters in the book of Matthew! Three chapters dedicated to intense teaching of the undiluted principles of the Kingdom of God being directed not to the ever pressing crowd that followed Jesus but rather, a group of twelve disciples that Jesus gathered to Himself for the purpose of turning them to world changers!
In identifying men that God desires to use for His special works on earth, one important sign to look out for is that it must please God to sit on such life for the purpose of refining and purging so that the life can become exactly God’s standard vessel made ready for Kingdom business.
In the place of pure schooling of the Spirit, interruptions of any sort are not allowed. You would notice that throughout Matthew chapter 5-7, no miracle or healing was recorded. As compassionate as delivering the oppressed would have been, it was not allowed to creep into this precious moment when Jesus was pouring out the words that will form the foundation of the church of Jesus which was later established after His ascension in the book of Acts. Therefore, you must be ready to silent all voices of distractions and interruptions that can distort what God plans to do with your life. Our generation is full of noises even in the church of God. All that we keep celebrating as results in our churches till date is a cause of weeping and tears in heaven! Maybe if we are ready to stay humble and allow God to fully brood over us, we might begin to touch the higher realms of God that have been prepared for us for this end time revival business. This is why sometimes, God will have to shut down all the results and the things that are working in your life for a season so that you can be naked and totally dependent on Him enough for Him to refine you for His usage.
Yielding involves waving the normal lifestyle of this age goodbye and cleaving to the plans and purposes of God only!
Finally, yielded and ready youths in God’s Kingdom of this generation must be ready to allow the two dimensional operation of God’s dealing to fully find expression in their lives in the place of training. In Psalms 23:4, the Psalmist painted it this way: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; THY ROD AND THY STAFF they comfort me”. The making of God’s Battle Axes is not a rosy process. This is why it requires the conscious decision of the person to totally surrender and yield to God. Yielding here means to suspend all other desires and personal ambitions for the use of God. It involves waving the normal lifestyle of this age goodbye and cleaving to the plans and purposes of God only! It is only when this is in place that the divine concentration of God can fully take effect and bring forth the desired result of becoming His trained battle axe. This is the ageless pattern through which God Trains His Own Children for His use on earth. Are you willing to follow this path? Remember, the world is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Choose God today.
Soul inspiring,thank you sir,the anointing of God on you will not run dry in Jesus name….amen.
Amen to the prayers… I hope to see you more in the blog