EncounterRelationship with GodRevival FireSpiritualThe Word

The Mystery of Growth 1

4 Mins read
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In the world of man, growth is a physical phenomenon known and understood by all. The reason for this is not farfetched, we all witness the physical growth of babies from infanthood to adulthood. There is no living thing that disobeys the law of growth. The same way everyone is expected to grow up physically, we are meant to grow spiritually too! At the point of salvation, it is only our spirit man that become saved, it becomes our sole responsibility as believers to develop and grow up our soul till it conforms to the full image of Jesus. The process of growing up spiritually is a mystery in the sense that, it takes true believers that are serious and intentional about growing up to pay the price necessary to experience spiritual growth and other areas of life as we prepare to live inside God’s purpose for our lives. In this new series, we shall be discussing the importance and the need for growth, practical ways of growing up in God shall be considered and we shall demystify the mystery of growth. It is time for another encounter through the inspired word of God. Get ready for the Fire Experience!

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Every believer that becomes born again is exposed to a set of church-culture or lifestyle that forms the basis of the ways the new convert acts and behaves without anyone directly teaching the convert about it. This usual way we do things in the church and among believers poises a great threat to the process of serious spiritual development that is needed and expected of every believer saved into the body of Christ. Most people received Christ and practically started to do things based on what they saw other believers doing; such as shaking head while praying, sitting down to pray immediately you enter the church, etc.

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Although these practices are not bad themselves, the motive and the understanding backing that action up is far more important than the actions themselves. This is why in the process of growing up spiritually, the first thing we must do away with, is assumptions about the things of God. It is time we knew God for Who He is. It is time we served God with the right knowledge and mindset. This is putting your life in order and ready for the process of growing up spiritually to occur. It is expedient to understand that the kind of growth that opens the door for other growth in a man’s life is the spiritual growth. When your spirit man is growing and getting developed in God, it becomes easy to transfer that reality to other aspect of your life. Are you ready for growth?

In the process of growing up spiritually, the first thing we must do away with, is assumptions about the things of God.

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Men can grow! This is the truth we all need to understand as we keep walking in the reality of God’s plan for our lives. The bible is filled with stories of men that were initially weak, nonentities, vagabonds, purposeless, etc. But after they came in contact with the person of God, their lives began to form and sharpened enough to fulfill all that God desire for their lives. The entrance of growth in a believer’s life is the point when the reality of God dawns on you. When we start to seek God with all of our hearts, He starts becoming real to us, then communion with God sets in which leads to Holy Spirit directing us through all we need to grow up spiritually and in every other area of our lives. So, the right question is, how interested are you about God? what can be said about your christian experience? Are you only religious and known to be a believer because you carry bible around and attend church services on Sundays? The earlier you understand that the process of your growth is dependent on your knowledge of God, the better you start to activate the operations of the Holy Ghost in your life to make growing in God a reality in your life!

The entrance of growth in a believer’s life is the point when the reality of God dawns on you.

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What must we do to grow? We must be intentional about knowing God and doing His will for our lives! To be intentional is to start taking conscious actions that will result in active growth in God and in other areas of life. No one that grew in God entered into it by accident! Growth is always a result of a conscious decision to pay the price and do all that it takes to become a better version of yourself. Most of the things we keep running after in this world are blessings that are also looking for us, but not this version of our lives!

No one that grew in God entered into it by accident!

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The favour we keep praying for we only appear to us when we start taking decisions that will order our lives rightly and position us at the right place to receive the favour of God. No matter the prayer of growth prayed by a believer, until it is accompanied by a conscious decision to pay the price for growth, it will only remain a dream! We are all products of our decisions. Men that made the decision to grow up in all areas of their lives yesterday are World Champions of today’s world! If you can make the right decisions today and be intentional about growing in God, tomorrow belongs to you!

Men that made the decision to grow up in all areas of their lives yesterday are World Champions of today’s world!

Photo by Brianna Martinez on Pexels.com

Finally, you must understand that the authorized place where spiritual growth occurs is the secret place. The place we meet God; the place where the natural meets the supernatural. The place where mortal flesh encounters divinity! The same way man eats to get nourished and develop physically; until you start to feed your spirit man and engage your soul in all that is needed to align it with destiny for growth and development, growing up spiritually will only remain an unachievable dream! In this episode, we have explained the reality of spiritual growth and the possibility that men can grow. We discussed that when man becomes intentional and starts taking necessary decisions that facilitates growth, then growing up spiritually becomes the definite result which also begins to influence other areas of life! In the next episode, we shall be looking at the tools of growth and practical steps we must all take to ensure we grow in God. Thanks for visiting The Fire Place. Shalom!


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