In the same hour the fingers of a man’s hand appeared and wrote opposite the lamp stand on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace; and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. Then Daniel answered, and said before the king, “Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another; yet I will read the writing to the King, and make known to him the interpretation. Daniel 5:5;17
The lifestyle of true believers majorly depends on two major factors; the workings of the Holy Ghost within them and also the outworking of the Holy Ghost upon their lives. The combination of these two factors is what leads to a balance Christian life that can truly stand for God on earth and do the will of the Father. Most believers invest more in the “upon dimension” of the Holy Spirit without giving priority to the workings of the Holy Spirit within us, this is why we have many so-called believers that are half – baked! The state of the heart of a man is far more important than any other part of his service to God at any given time! Until man’s heart is aligned to God and is truly wired to do the will of God, no lasting result can be seen in the life of a man even if he attends church consistently! In understanding times and seasons, the position of our hearts as believers is very important. Our heart and our mouth must be seeking the same result, or else we might never live to discern accurately the season of God’s visitation upon our lives and generation. In this episode, we shall be learning about how to patiently read the handwritings on the wall and consciously get involve with all that God is doing in our generation. Get ready for the Fire Experience!
In our daily activities and situations of life, God often make moves to speak and direct us beyond the scope of our religious knowledge of how He speaks. A lot of believers have been wired to believe that the speaking and communication with God can only happen within the context of the church or during a stipulated hour of prayer. Having forgotten that it was never God’s intention to institute a religion for man, God’s plan has ever been to open man up into a supernatural way of life and the possibility to live the culture of His Kingdom here on earth successfully! The ways of God are beyond limits, God cannot be squeezed into a box of human reasoning or mentality all because of the limitation of man’s understanding of Him. More than once in the Old testament, we saw how God decided to portray His ability to speak to man in diverse ways.
God cannot be squeezed into a box of human reasoning or mentality all because of the limitation of man’s understanding of Him.
In the case of Elijah it happened this way: “Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”. 1 Kings 19:11-13. From this passage, we saw that God could speak to man in different form depending on His own discretion, remember, He is God! He is unquestionable and self – sufficient! We are the ones who must learn to decode His ways of passing messages to us just like Prophet Elijah did in the passage. It takes a heart that is intentional about hearing from God and doing His will to patiently wait for God’s answer at every point in life. We must understand that God moves in His own way and according to His own will, therefore we must be diligent and ready to pay the price of going out of our own way to understand His will for our lives and generations per time! Can you wait on God like Elijah?
It takes a heart that is intentional about hearing from God and doing His will to patiently wait for God’s answer at every point in life.
In our quest of understanding times and seasons as believers interested in doing God’s will, we must strive to learn about spiritual intelligence. What do I mean by this? One of the things we have learnt through historical studies of the bible and church history is the signs and happenings that precedes the mighty moves of God at different times on earth. Especially for the hungry hearted, when attention is paid to the details of the great awakenings that once happened on earth, it becomes impossible not to clearly pick point the physical and spiritual signs that led to those great revivals! For instance, before every revival move of God on earth, there is always a great deal of intercession that goes ahead in watering the ground for the coming revival! This is where we got one of the popular sayings about revival from, which says: “if revival is birthed through prayer, then revival must be sustained through prayer!”.
Spiritual intelligence is the ability of a believer to read the handwriting on the wall through the different happenings that keeps befalling the earth around each season.
So, spiritual intelligence is the ability of a believer to read the handwriting on the wall through the different happenings that keeps befalling the earth around each season. It is very possible to study the sequence of events unfolding in a territory and through those happenings predict what next God is about to do in that land through spiritual intelligence! This is one of the ways through which the ancient men that knew God did business with God and never missed any of the moves of God in their days! If any man will truly do business with God for a long time and remain relevant, then spiritual intelligence is a must for the man to live by at all times! Will you stand the test of time in God’s vineyard?
If revival is birthed through prayer, then revival must be sustained through prayer!
It is dangerous to be where God WAS, yesterday! Believers that are interested in doing so much for God in their days must understand this mystery. That God moved in a particular way at a certain time does not mean He will always manifest Himself in that same way. Remember, God is ever-dynamic yet never changing! That means, He can produce the same result through different means and channels! God can never be stranded of options when it comes to finding expression in the world of men to fulfill His agenda from time to time! The reason why it seems some certain ministers have signed up to be ever relevant in God’s agenda all through their lives no matter how old they become is because they have stayed with God enough to understand His ways and therefore mastered the art of moving as He moves through the different seasons of their lives!
God is ever-dynamic yet never changing!
On the other hand, it seems some ministers are only relevant and useful in a particular move of God thereby becoming widely known for that dimension of God, but sadly, immediately that move pass out, they also seem to pass out with that move of God! When it happens like this, we begin to think God do use men and dump them after a while or better still, God will only be interested in using a man when the man is still young. All of these are only lies that we use to console ourselves into believing that those men are still in business with God. At all times we must note this: that God did business with a man yesterday is not a guarantee that God will continue with him today! It all depends on the ability of the man to move as God keeps moving! The day man becomes comfortable with the usual dimension of God, that day signifies the beginning of his fading away from God’s ever moving strategy to walk His ways amongst men!
The ability to move as God moves over a territory is what positions a man to be used by God all through the moves of God in the man’s lifetime.
Finally, there is a level of grace and anointing that follows men that can discern and move according to the move of God per time. It is an office! The ability to move as God moves over a territory is what positions a man to be used by God all through the moves of God in the man’s lifetime! The ordinance of shifting in levels as God shifts in pattern and revelation is what distinguish men that mastered time from others in their generation! God rewards this set of people with the Anointing of freshness! So, to remain ever relevant in God’s agenda and remain ever fresh in God’s vineyard, it is more than necessary to understand times and seasons! In this episode, we have been challenged never to settle for the current move of God alone but to keep working on ourselves so as to be useful in the next move of God on earth. In our next episode, we shall explore the lives of men that mastered times and seasons in the bible and how they moved from season to season inside God’s will for their lives! Stay tuned. Thanks for visiting The Fire Place. Ensure you drop your comments and share the good news abroad to everyone. God bless you!